
Original papers


"Selective Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Methane on In/H-ZSM-5 Based Catalysts"
Catalysis Surveys from Japan, 1, 227-237 (1997)
E. Kikuchi and M. Ogura


"Formation of Active Sites for reduction of NO2 with Methane by Solid State Exchange of In2O3 into H-Zeolites"
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 105, 1593-1600 (1997)
M. Ogura, N. Aratani, and E. Kikuchi


"Intrapore Catalysis in NO Reduction with Methane on Ir/In/H-ZSM-5 Catalyst"
Chemistry Letters, 25, 1017-1018 (1996)
M. Ogura and E. Kikuchi


"Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Methane on Pd/Co/H-ZSM-5 Catalysts: Cooperative Effects of Pd and Co"
Catalysis Letters, 42, 185-189 (1996)
M. Ogura, Y. Sugiura, Masayoshi Hayashi, and E. Kikuchi


"Selective Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Methane on Gallium and Indium Containing H-ZSM-5 Catalysts: Formation of Active Sites by Solid State Ion Exchange"
Journal of Catalysis, 161, 465-470 (1996)
E. Kikuchi, M. Ogura, Ikue Terasaki, and Yasuhito Goto


"Precious Metal Loaded In/H-ZSM-5 for Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Methane in the Presence of Water Vapor"
Studies in Surface Science and Catalysis, 101, 671-680 (1996)
M. Ogura and E. Kikuchi


"Promotive Effect of Additives to In/H-ZSM-5 Catalyst for Selective Reduction of Nitric Oxide with Methane in the Presence of Water Vapor"
Catalysis Today, 27, 35-40 (1996)
E. Kikuchi, M. Ogura, Noriyuki Aratani, Yukihiro Sugiura, S. Hiromoto, and K. Yogo


"Precious Metal Loaded In/H-ZSM-5 for Low Concentration NO Reduction with Methane in the Presence of Water Vapor"
Chemistry Letters, 24, 1135-1136 (1995)
M. Ogura, Sachiko Hiromoto, and E. Kikuchi

総説・解説 / Reviews 21.

特集「貴金属使用量低減に向けた自動車排ガス浄化触媒の開発」, 触媒, 61, 353-359 (2019)
大畠悠輔, 大西武士, 茂木堯彦, 小倉 賢

総説・解説 / Reviews 20.

特集「材料目線でのクルマ開発」排ガス後処理システムにおける材料開発, 自動車技術, 70, 71-77 (2016)
小倉 賢